Krista Throw – completed

Krista Throw – completed!

25 balls of wool, thousands of trebles, doubles and chain stitches, too many hours and cramped fingers…. I have finished, and it’s really rather gorgeous!  (Just another spare hour or so needed to weave in the loose ends!)

So pleased!

xx Raewyn

Krista Throw – Blocks Together

So, I’ve sewn all the blocks together – still looks pretty raw, but gives a fantastic idea of what the finished throw will be.  Lots of extra thread to sew in, and then to start the border….it may be some time….

Krista Throw – finished the blocks

All the 36 blocks are finished – YAY!!!

I have just got to do the little lace border around the first ones, and then I can join together – OMG – I’m overly excited….

Raewyn xx

Antique Inspiration (Top Left),Parisian Square (Top Right), Frustration (Middle Left), Windmill (Middle Right), Granny Flower (Lower Left), Ring of Poppies (Lower Right)

Lacy Flower Square

Framed Rose

Layered Rose sewn onto plain square

Ruffled Rose

Krista Throw – extra block – Granny Heart

An extra block – Granny Heart

The heart is crocheted separately from the block itself, then sewn on…a useful technique to get a block that is different…learned how to do a picot edge!

And this block has an extra row added to the edge, so after the dc edge which is standard, I have added a lacey edge of dc, 2 ch, skip 1 dc, dc etc…. In the corner 1 dc 2ch 1dc into the corner dc.
This may make the joining of the blocks easier, but tie will tell.
Raewyn xx
Little Sweeties and Minnie

I am enjoying finishing off these little cuties – Lil Sweeties and Minnie.

A line of Minnies

Such fun to make.
Patterns are :  ‘Minnie’ and ‘Lil Sweeties’
Raewyn xx
Krista Throw – Blocks 23, 24, 25

I have finished the last three blocks of the original throw. 


This first one was particularly tricky for me…

But, the pattern states the size of each square to be approx. 22cm…mine are only about 15 – 17cm each, so my throw is going to be a little small.

So I have found Kristabook, which has all the patterns of the original 25 in much more detail, it has the border with the gorgeous scalloped edge, and has another 12 or so blocks, so the finished throw is 36 squares (6 x 6) rather than only 25!  Sounds perfect!
